Redaction of private information on Freosan Studios sites

From Freosan Studios Knowledge Base

Freosan Studios is committed to keeping user privacy. If we are made aware of personal information that has been unintentionally or maliciously revealed, we will remove it as soon as possible.

What counts as personal information?

The basics of what counts as personal information is gone over in our Privacy Policy. To reiterate, here is what we consider personal information.

Sensitive information is defined in the Privacy Act to include information or opinion about such things as an individual's racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, membership of a political association, religious or philosophical beliefs, membership of a trade union or other professional body, criminal record or health information.

Here is a non-exhaustive list:

Personal information of an individual
  • Real name
  • Gender
  • Date of birth
  • Home address
  • Occupation
Personal information of equipment
  • Serial numbers
  • Account passwords

What is unauthorised or accidental disclosure of personal information?

Freosan Studios is obliged to redact personal information if it has been disclosed in an unauthorised or accidental manner. Personal information is considered to have been disclosed in an unauthorised or accidental manner if it has been either:

  1. Disclosed by a third party, without evidence of consent on your behalf, and you have objected to the disclosure of such information (for example, by doxxing), or
  2. Have been disclosed in a manner that can be proven to be by mistake, by mishandling of website features, or by a software error. There must be no evidence of intent to disclose information.

What do I do if my personal information has been disclosed against my wishes?

You must inform us immediately. The quicker we are notified, the quicker we can remove personal information from the public, and prevent any malicious actors from abusing it.

To inform Freosan Studios of leaked personal information, contact us by clicking this link. Select "I need help removing personal information" under the dropdown field, so that it can be correctly triaged. Freosan staff will assess your request, and if it is determined that:

  1. Personal information was disclosed based on the criteria above, and
  2. Such information was disclosed against the wishes of the owner (e.g. by accidental disclosure, malicious disclosure by a third party, or the subject, even if they previously intentonally disclosed it, now requests to no longer keep personal information public),

then it will be removed.

Technological measures available to Freosan Studios to redact personal information

  • Deletion: Normally, content can be removed from Freosan Studios sites; it will be securely destroyed, or otherwise made impossible for the public or users to access.
  • Suppression: MediaWiki supports a feature named suppression. This allows certain parts of edits to be hidden from all public view, including administration staff of a wiki who would normally be able to view deleted content. For reference, this article has been rendered on a wiki using MediaWiki.


While Freosan Studios will do all it can to prevent abuse of personal information, unfortunately, anyone who happens to view a page with involuntarily revealed personal information can immediately start abusing it, and it is infeasible to track exactly who is or was currently making use of it.

Freosan Studios, therefore, recommends that personal safety practices be followed at all times online; be careful about personal information and do not reveal it to a third party on the internet unless their integrity can be verified. This policy is intended as a last resort, not as your only line of defence.

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